Thursday, July 24, 2008

MANUFACTURED NATURE navigation in a virtual environment

The aim of this project was to create an interactive environment which navigates through and between 3 different environments; above, below and on.

my approach to this design challenge was inspired by Klein Dytham's Leaf Chapel. I wanted to explore the tensions between built and natural environments and whether a manufactured natural environment does actually qualify as nature and also to challenge assumptions created by a strict chronology of environments and experiences.

Beginning in a utopian-style garden, appearing as an 'on' environment, you are lead to dive through a pool in the middle of the island by a rock arch rising triggered by a stepping stone.

This transports you through to the below environment, a labyrinthine architectural interpretation of the garden, which culminates in the whole front of the building raising to reveal the true 'on' environment outside.

Up until this point the whole navigation has been through crossing water but when you go outside you realise you are in the middle of a desert and everything you have previously known is completely manufactured.


One of New Zealand’s most significant pieces of architecture and heritage – a neo-gothic cathedral built entirely of native timbers – many tourists visit Old St Paul’s where I work as curator on Sundays.

MAPPING FOR DESIGN in the 21st century

A vlog showing the process of mapping of a specific urban area using multiple media available to us in the 21st century

ENTERING THE BLOGOSPHERE my fave blogs from the 112 community

Blogging was a completely new experience for me but once I got into it I ended up connecting with and getting to know a little about a whole lot of people that I wouldn't otherwise neccessarily have made contact with.

Throughout the week I have seen heaps of amazing blogs but my 3 favourites would have to be James Russell for his representation of sustainability issues and consumer awareness, Victoria Stringer for not taking herself too seriously and making me giggle and Max Aswanitchakorn for his awesome customisation of his blog, beautiful photography and great vlog.

MAPPING in the 21st century

A vlog showing the process of mapping of a specific urban area using multiple media available to us in the 21st century

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


One of New Zealand’s most significant pieces of architecture and heritage – a neo-gothic cathedral built entirely of native timbers – many tourists visit Old St Paul’s where I work as curator each Sunday.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

MANUFACTURED NATURE navigation in a virtual environment

The aim of this project was to create an interactive environment which navigates through and between 3 different environments; above, below and on.

my approach to this design challenge was inspired by Klein Dytham's Leaf Chapel. I wanted to explore the tensions between built and natural environments and whether a manufactured natural environment does actually qualify as nature and also to challenge assumptions created by a strict chronology of environments and experiences.

Beginning in a utopian-style garden, appearing as an 'on' environment, you are lead to dive through a pool in the middle of the island by a rock arch rising triggered by a stepping stone.

This transports you through to the below environment, a labyrinthine architectural interpretation of the garden, which culminates in the whole front of the building raising to reveal the true 'on' environment outside.

Up until this point the whole navigation has been through crossing water but when you go outside you realise you are in the middle of a desert and everything you have previously known is completely manufactured.

Monday, July 21, 2008

TE WIKI O TE REO MAORI māori language week

Maori language is a language on the uprise! Statistics show that more and more New Zealanders (of both Maori and non-Maori descent) are learning te reo maori each year.

To celebrate te wiki o te re maori I will be posting a short phrase to learn each day - please feel free to add more!

A great place to learn the language including pronounciation is the Korero Maori website.

MUST SEE BLOGS for landscape architecture & urban design

PROJECT FOR PUBLIC SPACES - This site really challenges the way we build cities based on the principles of place-making and has lots of info and resources to browse through

DEEP MIDDLE - His entry of July 2 really encapsulates the current theory of landscape architecture and its role in the 21st century

PRUNED - Titled ‘On Landscape Architecture and Related Fields’, Pruned covers a diverse range of landscape architecture anomaly in a witty and critical tone

REAL LIFE network

On Sundays I work as the curator at Old St Paul’s in Thorndon. Built in 1866, Old St Paul’s is one of New Zealand’s most significant pieces of architecture and heritage – a neo-gothic cathedral built entirely of native timbers.

Although still consecrated, it ceased to be an Anglican Church in 1964 when it was replaced by the Cathedral of St Paul on adjacent Molesworth Street. The government purchased the dilapidated church, restored it and reopened it in1971 to be managed by the Historic Places Trust .

Thursday, July 10, 2008


This site really challenges the way we build cities based on the principles of place-making. It includes topics such as ‘Streets as Places’ and has a lot of different resources to download or purchase as well as discussion forums.

While the content of this entire blog varies a lot, his entry of July 2 really encapsulates the current theory of landscape architecture and its role in the 21st century.

Titled ‘On Landscape Architecture and Related Fields’, Pruned covers a diverse range of landscape architecture anomaly in a witty and critical tone.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

NAVIGATION above.below.on

environment - Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor, Solidworks, 3D Studio Max
website - Photoshop, dreamweaver

the aim of this project was to create an interactive environment which navigates through and between 3 different environments; above, below and on.

my approach to this design challenge was inspired by Klein Dytham’s Leaf Chapel [] where the front 'leaf' of the chapel opens up to reveal the pond and naturalistic environment beyond.

I wanted to explore the tensions between built and natural environments and whether a manufactured natural environment does actually qualify as nature and also to challenge assumptions created by a strict chronology of environments and experiences.

beginning in a utopian-style garden, appearing as an ‘on’ environment, you are lead to dive through a pool in the middle of the island by a rock arch rising triggered by a stepping stone.

this transports you through to the below environment, a labyrinthine architectural interpretation of the garden, which culminates in the whole front of the building raising to reveal the true ‘on’ environment outside.

up until this point the whole navigation has been through crossing water but when you go outside you realise you are in the middle of a desert and everything you have previously known is completely manufactured.